the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2011-05-23
Samuel L. Jackson on a plane. never a good sign.
- 2011-05-24
I've heard Greece is for sale. Maybe we could all buy an island and make it demoisland!
what are you using to know the camera position?
- 2011-05-25
the good thing is that everything fits in a wild compo. that's why it exists.
- 2011-05-26
does rendering backfaces (instead of frontfaces) on shadow maps works on most cases?
auriga is a ship from wipeout
noby: yeah... close enough
What is n?
run 'n' gun
- 2011-05-28
The Ricky Gervais Show S02E08 - Future (Pants Of)
Is there any optimal way to store a normal in a GL_R11F_G11F_B10F target?
- 2011-05-29
- 2011-05-30
SHOW US YOUR Crocodile Dundee
- 2011-05-31
mine are really slow.
- 2011-06-01
Happy childrens day!
- 2011-06-03
kebab brothers
- 2011-06-05
fucking pixel centers
- 2011-06-06
microsoft's E3 conference is about to begin... maybe.
Battlefield 3 looks really nice.
- 2011-06-07
aditive blending is so early XXI century
wii u
Reggie reminds me of a bully.