the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2011-03-14
Captain: Planet!
- 2011-03-15
Captain: I'm in meltdown!
I've heard that's the new hit in Japan ;)
- 2011-03-18
People seems to have reminded that Nuclear power is bad... even if there were only 3 or 4 important accidents in more than 50 years. Fuck FUD.
- 2011-03-19
You have to be very very smart!
- 2011-03-20
Why are there so many hermaphrodites in Thailand and Philipines?
- 2011-03-23
Demo my pharmacy sign me beautiful
- 2011-03-24
3DS screen is so small :(
- 2011-03-25
Amiga meets Piano
is it possible to upload 3D videos to 3DS and watch them?
- 2011-03-26
no it isn't. at most it's shown in a different way, not done. you just need to have a video with 2 images coded somehow.
- 2011-03-27
Blame the javascript consorcium for not being good on time. Maybe they were friends with the OpenGL guys who were also sleeping for 5 years or so.
untergrund down
- 2011-03-31
Lord Graga: exactly my thoughts.
- 2011-04-01
Two clowns are eating a cannibal, says one to the other *BURP*
- 2011-04-02
Captain: I'm in (Black) Mesa
- 2011-04-03
Can I access a #define x(...) __VA_ARGS__ random member?
Doesn't help with my problem. It's simpler than that.
- 2011-04-08
Murder Death Kill!
- 2011-04-09
- wrence&word2=International+Karate
- 2011-04-10
...who's fake jeenio?
- 2011-04-11
graga: if it is opengl you can try anttweekbar hQf1oJHxBA&usg=AFQjCNFymWF1aeBAhvHHmkTDZsPq1YltvA
- 2011-04-12
Who's he?