the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2015-12-30
- Embrace would be a good name for a party tbh
- havoc: mm, lekker.
- 2016-01-08
- death reggae.
- 2016-01-25
- eat your demos.
- 2016-02-04
- well turn it back on then
- such a missed oppertunity to go with "gaymer", there.
- 2016-02-05
- sethbling is a monster. A genius, but a monster <3
- 2016-02-07
- ts-bigger-maximum-size-256-people-users-a6856491.html "It's not clear why WhatsApp settled on such an oddly specific number"
- 2016-02-08
- Considering that we standardized on an 8-bit byte over 50 years ago, which nicely adds up to 256 values, I don't think it's that oddly specific within the context of tech.
- 0-255 still adds up to 256 values, though. I do get your point, but I feel like someone reporting on tech should probably not be surprised or confused about a number like 256
- 2016-02-15
- keito: minecraft dogs
- 2016-03-04
- .444852028924551/989390774470671/
- 2016-03-06
- debugging.gif: 0gs1do1_500.gif
- 2016-03-09
- dodke: it's actually a shame that this is starting to seem like a good idea :( really sucks for the non-lame part of the speccy scene though...
- 2016-03-18
- 2016-03-29
- HellMood: not as impressive as ACE in SMW to recreate Mario Maker (:
- 2016-03-31
- fermi paraglöps
- higher state of glöps
- 2016-04-06
- run 4 your bytes
- 2016-05-04
- pouët 5.0: unicode is now obsolete
- pouët 8.0: PETSCII now works in the oneliner
- 2016-05-09
- the best part is that he even admits he can't even really get any gigs
- 2016-06-08
- it got too commercial and died or something. Maybe just the last bit. Idk.
- 2016-06-09
- Besides just attracting more attention to yourself, It's still on the frontpage for me anyway.
- that doesn't make it any less retarded to spam other threads <3