the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2010-04-09
I am so twittering about that pixel video on my c64.
Why isn't there yet a Prince Dakkar soundtrack discussion? Not because of sampling, but because the soundtrack fucking rules. Just saying.
- 2010-04-20
- 2010-05-07
After that you only need to compile the P you're done!
- 2010-05-11
- 2010-06-08
That means there never was a real scene :(
- 2010-06-09
He may have some network problems receiving the mails though.
- 2010-06-19
JSYK, Live DJing stream starring sceners such as Minomus/Evoflash, Noid/Phn and Glxblt going on right now:
- 2010-10-19
what happened to SCUP? They have no animated Jarnis anymore?
go make a demo remake about it.. oh wait, don't
- 2010-10-24
Don't be chickening out with the trolling!
- 2010-11-09
go arrange an easter party about it
- 2011-02-19
Shameless plug, some live dubstep/techno/whatever streaming going on right now:
- 2011-03-16
LOL illegal telepathy LOL
- 2011-03-24
Be glad you didn't reach the part in your dream in which we'd totally trash the demo on Pouet.
- 2011-03-26
Drunk streaming techno & stuff, straight outta Berlin:
- 2011-07-18
Sure, for example Stellar's Second Hallucination in January 1994.
- 2011-08-05
wow, found myself making a stop at Bingen (long story).. experiencing serious flashbacks :)
- 2011-09-10
Live DJ stream straight outta Berlin ongoing. Techno, disco and whatever.
- 2011-10-28
Some nearly sceneish sounds at our stream right now, for the "oldskoolers" :)
- 2012-04-05
So, any Thursday arrivals?
- 2012-05-24
spams indeed.. but wow! AMIGAAAA..
- 2012-08-09
I sense possible demoscene influence in this music video.
- 2012-08-17
### Demoparty in pool. Water takes the scene ###
- 2012-09-17
time is to logout on the oneliner