the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2024-09-15
- 💖💖💖💖 The Scene 💖💖💖💖
- Planet der Koalas
- Koalas Of Shaolin that eat cocoa, drink Curacao and Coca-Cola, listen to Goa, and drive a giant robot-boa named Bilbao ! Pixar movie or demo, NAOW !
- Thats great scene poetry there
- @leGend : More like Scene pouetry ! :D Oh, and did I mention the Shaolin Koalas fight Paolo, an evil moa, on the atoll of Rangiroa in French Polynesia ? @bifat : Nice one, dude !
- Scene poultry
- dylan moran summed australia up nicely
- And he didn't even talk about the non-human bases all over the country ! UAPs flying low, like they own the damn place. Lights at night doing shit in the outback ! The ghostly voices imitating human speech, and the insane, alien, terrifying laughs that follow. Like "they" are mocking us.
- ♥ There are heroes and then there are heroes in human costumes ♥
- 2024-09-16
- Heroes like Goofy
- what bullshit, it's 9c outsite at the moment and I'm freezin' my arse off and the ocean is filled with plastic.
- put the plastic on fire
- and this will affect the Demoscene.
- This will also affect our peace treaty with the killer whales. Do we really want another war with the killer whales ?! More importantly, CAN WE AFFORD IT ?! IN THIS ECONOMY ?!
- I am dehydrated because of all the tears I shed because ASD is no longer on wikipedia
- We love you too, Rob, you know that, right ? :)
- wir denken wir wärn wichtig doch das ist gar nicht richtig
- But the Demoscene IS important. And the simple fact that the rest of the world in 2024 doesn't give a shit is just a MAJOR hint !
- kewlers got deleted too, but at least we got back after 15 years of arabic koozies!
- Not being deleted is utterly lame.
- it was a nice thingy to tease a good friend of mine with who is in a metal band with relative international reknown but their wikipedia page attempts got deleted promptly :D
- International Karate
- as long as this important wiki page will stay online!
- and this