We've already had a pricing plan with Färjanmaker where after a threshold of 5 machines, the developer gets billed for each machine the demo is watched on. We have no idea why no one has noticed this yet.
Federation Against Mellow / Federation Against Software Theft split 12" when?
Hello, is there anybody in there?
Mostly I feel drawn to the logout link right next to it
Any posting should exceed moderation tolerance. Under posting, I also mean shitposting.
Metal has metal-archives.com, the demoscene has Demozoo, and people go to Wikipedia to read about King Richard III, not Stress Angel or Alcatraz
The previous post ☝️ is not a shitpost
Functioning in real life causes stress, after which trolls may well be the straw that breaks the camel's back. Man, straws are great rhetorical devices
I have a great experience on Instagram but I still acknowledge that social media is an absolute garbage fire
Had a fun JML cruise, felt a revitalized interest in the demoscene, and decided to check Pouet again. I'll be wiser after the next party. This site is still the place where enthusiasm goes to die.
AI wastes resources and confidently spews out nonsense. If the definition of strong or general AI is that it's humanlike then we're closer than we think!
So neither of those, at least
We need reaction emojis such as 🐊
I'm sure there are plenty of smaller numbers they are fond of, like 14, or 88
If it's a situation where it's ambiguous whether it's 2^20 or 10^6, it's also most likely a situation where those 48576 bytes don't matter