the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2007-06-09
- LCF: you know, I have seen worst useless modelers bringing back much money, in the "simulation industry" that works for army or railways... Contact a simu enterpsrise near you.
- It is obvious LCF need to talk, at last he's not that boring. I play the game.
- keops: you can try the shareware version for free...
- my real name, "ferry" means blacksmith :)
- 2007-06-10
- look at : they license the brand.
- actually, McEwen, the man who owns amiga, seems to want the sources of OS4 back from hyperion, and reshape an OS team. Hyp. wanted to manage the whole OS4 soft and hardware alone... So there is this trial on the way... let's see what will happen next.
- 2007-06-11
- so is it directX or something vista-only ? I'm unhyped on this stuff.
- ok, so, i'm happy if Id is still OGL
- yeah, I agree, but it's a mater of not having a DX complete monople over the whole 3D state of the art...
- is there a 3D conspiracy over a 2D reality ???
- 2007-06-25
- °.•°.•°.•°.•°.•°.•°.•°.•° ;.•°.•°.•°.•°.
- 2007-06-27
- someone remember that fast bit trick to test if a int value is any 2^n ? I guess i've seen that in some java.math sources...
- I have it: isPow2 = x && !( (x-1) & x ); just so you know ;-)
- king crimson
- 2007-06-28
- canned heat i mean
- oh noes! Devo got a DEMOISH clip:
- 1337!!!
- http: //
- 2007-06-29
- pizza al tono here
- 2007-07-03
- BTW Is the OJ sceners DB lost forever ? Is there something that manages party calendar somewhere ?
- oh shit ! I completly forgot that stuff ! thx ps !
- 2007-07-06
- We Are Setting With You The Cornerstone For World Leadership under Demoïsh Leadership.