the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2009-03-24
- and are down due to random dns failure. JSYK.
DNS just came back up, so disregard.
- 2009-03-26
###, people protesting ###
- 2009-04-02
### oneliner, people spamming ###
- 2009-04-07
### telepathy, SoLo having new avatar ###
- 2009-04-09
Goodbye World!
- 2009-04-11
Best Effects: Stargazer; Best Music: Midnight Run
Best Gfx: Into the Pink; Most original: Pimp my Spectrum; Best Direction: Field Trip;
Breakthrough: Craft; Best Animation: Field Trip
4k: Texas; 64k: Panic Room; Public Choice: Stargazer
Oldskool: Edge of Disgrace; Best Demo: Stargazer ... AND GET OFF THE INTERNET.
- 2009-04-12
most epic wild entry ever
- 2009-04-13
best bp pc demo was the Rick is Jarig
### oneliner, cutting off ###
- 2009-04-14
bbcode and unicode doesnt work on oneliner
### Decipher, limiting memes ###
### oneliner, being serious ###
### hashes, sharps, and pounds ###
- 2009-04-15
### ####, ###### ####### ###
- 2009-04-17
Capped had to temporarily remove Crush by Anadune & Floppy, due to massive linkage of that vid.
25,000+ views of the video, 18,000 done in the last 8 hours. :p Server was pushing 400 mbit. Now I needa pay a overage fee. :D
- 2009-04-18
Whoa, I didn't even recongize magic with that new avatar.
### bbcode and unicode doesnt work for sensible jazz musicians ###
- 2009-04-19
Whoa, toaster glow effect.
Gas stoves are my demoappliance. Realistic fire effect. Blue/Yellow.