Sub-pixel accuracy was invented by Big Pharma so they could sell, I dunno, pixels or something
(to the doctor) Have you ever considered that a human body is basically just a collection of interconnected nodes? Intellectual curiosity is so lacking these days
Preacher: good luck, and don't forget that a 4096 byte executable can contain 4096 bytes' worth of instructions!
So I told the doctor I don't need his prescription because I'm already doing fine drinking bleach, and he had the audacity to tell me that's "unhealthy". Can you imagine the arrogance?
It's OK unless the sample text says "NO RIPPING!" If it does, that is legally binding and you will be arrested by the Demoscene Police.
Nothing can ever top the baseball game which had names like "Sleve McDichael" and "Dwigt Rortugal"
Everybody have Phong tonight, everybody Wang Chung tonight
Grey screen with no music = subpixel accurate flipping checkerboard
Do you have time and energy to do something on a smaller scale with less sequel expectations now? If you do, you might end up with some code or assets you can reuse in something you're comfortable with calling Sexadelic II later.
It would have to feature incel shading
Skynet starts spending all its cycles on writing essays about the ethical ramifications of wiping out civilization. All systems dependent on Skynet fail. The War breaks out because somewhere there's a .catch((e) => { this.launchAllNukes(); })
I would like to point out that this is page 11111 of the oneliner. Make it count. Make it one for the ages.
I have an Amiga and I have an MSX but I don't think I've ever seen an Amiga MSX
Look, we have a dude claiming that the demoscene is a Satanic plot for world domination. You really need to step up your hot take game.
I know coders who use refactoring and they're all cowards
Tomorrow for Boozedrome at least
The knowledge gained through the X-Com project is lost forever. You have failed to save the earth.
In my newest piece, "Trains Cause Emissions Too", I keep a kerosene engine running for 8000 hours straight in an undisclosed location where no one can see it, hear it, or be warmed by it
Can't wait to spend 30 years in Mentat training only to end up painting cheesy prog metal album covers
Pouët needs to be subdivided into P, ouet, and ¨
On the contrary, all platforms based on any commonly used processor should be combined into one megaplatform called "based"
Does that layperson understand what a sample is? If not, Kaneel's suggestion is probably the best you can get