the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2000-11-10
- i think too :)
- 2000-11-11
- Ripped from what ?
- 2000-11-12
- whoa! congrats Spite nice logo! cute-Clay-alike-shading ;)
- 2000-11-13
- bah, it´s easy. Last day you only have to link...
- fuzzion kicks da scene
- but... humility kicks fuzzion?
- have fun
- i want a beertro compo this year
- have fun
- have fun already, or I'll have to kick you in the head! 8]
- 2000-11-14
- Code doesnt need comments, Code is evident
- Walk away from the code for six months and then tell me if code is "evident"
- if you walk away six months, it won't be "evident"... it will be "far"
- why the most viewed prods no change?
- It's most viewed prod....
- well problem is, the most viewed prods are the most accessible too :D - why not add a small window with randomly choosen prods?
- well, you have the "random"...
- Quels sont les criteres pour les most viewed prods? (plus de dl, plus de comment, ou plus de personnes passer sur la page de la prod?)
- I suppose the most clicked ones, nope?
- anyway it seems to me that the random function is not THAT random ... always the same pages shown ...
- my randomized demo is always different... ops?
- mmh... how can I find a more randomized function than this one: <a href="">mt_rand</a > ?
- 2000-11-15
- seed = seed<<3; seed *= constant; seed++; <== this is a good random function :)
- 2000-11-16
- ok, just changed the random and the index so that more prods can get up in the top 10 =)
- yep now the random function is quite better :)