the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2014-08-15
- Most demos don't use lots of big textures, also most demos wouldn't be coded to support dual gpus.
- 2014-10-22
- Also same time as the rise of the demoscene. Is demoscene a secret conspiracy to oppress women through the use of rasterbars and wireframe cubes?
- 2014-11-18
- Scene drama crosses over into real life!
- 2015-01-10
- Stolen scene productions needs to be subdivided
- 2015-01-15
- Eight bytes walk into a bar. The bartender asks, “Can I get you anything?” “Yeah,” reply the bytes. “Make us a double.”
- Three bytes go into a bar and sit down at a table. The first byte holds up two fingers and says "Three beers please".
- 2015-01-19
- Pouet weight needs to be subdivided
- I assume someone called him out on it since he disabled comments on all his videos just now.
- 2015-01-29
- pouët 3.1: 64bit
- pouët 0.1.3 beta: Early Access, preorder now!
- int pouët = floor(2.1);
- 2015-06-26
- What is wrong with cryengine?
- 2015-06-30
- 2015-07-06
- Ambient jazz musicians now linked in oneliner:
- 2015-07-20
- It is some strange tradition of making that particular type of cake Starchaser. I don't understand it either and I live in that same city.
- 2015-07-25
- Amiga is jarig
- 2015-07-26
- Art can have a financial value if it is good enough, just like a car. And when Timbaland or Giorgio Moroder steals art and makes money from it then it is not cool.
- 2015-07-31
- yes p01 killed the crowd with that explosion
- 2015-08-01
- p01 definitely was a crowd pleaser but the Fit/Traction one had good music. Honestly was expecting a better comp with the new crinkler release. There is no excuse for one repeated note of sound any more.
- I did.
- Yes that is very true. Unfortunately I missed the 1k compo deadline by a couple of hours so I think I am a bit angry about that still. Most of the prods were excellent, I shouldn't have said such a negative comment.
- It's ok I decided to wait and release it to support a local party in my country later this year. Just had 3 days without sleeping properly so not really thinking clearly. :)
- 2015-08-03
- A little bit of classic techno
- good kimi what about some dub tech pioneer Moritz von Oswald