the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2004-09-10
at the end there is nothing at all only pure reality
- 2004-09-13
Mozilla Firefox Rulez
George Bush is a sick motherfucker, he should be tortured raped and killed very very very slowly
- 2004-09-14
And so, may the wicked turn luck to their beauty
- 2004-09-15
drugs are good
I'm the warlus
- 2004-09-16
Vamos Argentina carajo!!!
- 2004-09-17
Estoy al pedo
- 2004-09-23
goto 10 and kill yourself
- 2004-09-24
Zzyzx, California = CANCER
Let's smoke the rainbow
I wanna wake up every morning and just see the beautifulness of my surroundings, and to assimilate perfectness with my heart
- 2004-09-28
big, bigger, biggest, biggerest, biggesterest
- 2004-10-02
Another brick in the wall
- 2004-10-07
/me Takisashi Onomura Kamikaze
- 2004-10-08
- 2004-10-15
Should I Stay Or Should I Go Now?
- 2004-10-17
All your cancer is belong to oneliner
It died of CANCER
- 2004-10-19
- 2004-10-20
All your base are belong to us
- 2004-10-21
For great justice
Argentina es un pais muy groso
Brasil es un pais de maricones
Todos ustedes son unos raros de mierda