the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2000-10-06
- 2000-10-16
need some demooooos!
- 2000-10-18
have you heard of 'scenester' ?
- 2000-10-24
epidemic zipfile corrupted :(
- 2000-11-14
anyway it seems to me that the random function is not THAT random ... always the same pages shown ...
- 2000-11-15
seed = seed<<3; seed *= constant; seed++; <== this is a good random function :)
- 2000-11-16
yep now the random function is quite better :)
- 2000-11-20
how to add a screenshot to a demo already added but without screenshot ?
- 2000-11-23
to whom must i send screenshots for demos i already posted ? perhaps a 'help' link in the menu would be great ...
- 2001-02-20
what happened to optimus ??? found a girlfriend ??? :)
well i'd guess that optimus has just hired mermaid for his cpc group :) am right ? :))
hey optimus, you definitely won't tell us the story ??? :)
- 2001-02-26
stil is a sexy loutre with his tongues
- 2001-03-08
all your optimus are belong to us
all your glops are belong to pouet !
pouet is beyond the tao
- 2001-03-09
Optimus : yeah you are one, but you're also a glop-flooder :))))
- 2001-03-14
oh yeah pouet is way faster than ever !!! optimus will collect glops even faster than in the past few days !!
- 2001-03-15
is it just me or about every comments have been removed from the prods ???
believe me, gba already rulez :)))
- 2001-03-16
optimus> yours too ? :) | elfhood> where will it be ?
so i won't be able to be there ...
- 2001-03-19
100 glops !
- 2001-03-20
optimus> youre so busy glopping ?
- 2001-03-22
herrm ... incoming future ??? evidently lots of work, but hey, that is crap anyway ...