the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2007-08-03
- Where are the games from Assembly?
- 2007-08-04
- What a disappointment.. atleast Germ was okayish...
- 2007-08-05
- God, I'm beginning to hate this robo-battles! :-)
- Fairlight was great, dut ASD is the killer!!!
- 2007-08-11
- Nice 4k's at Evoke, btw. That "Hazor" looked great (at least on the stream :))
- Las: Cheers!
- If this trend continues, Mupe from Playpsyco will eat the competitors alive at the 64k Awards :-)
- Let us hope for the best: the intro competitions as Assembly and Breakpoint haven't been so good... but look at the demo competitions that followed!
- "Könnt ihr bitte mal das Licht und die Scheiß-Mucke ausmachen?"
- 2007-08-12
- Want Cocoon Demo now (even if it's a fly-by :-))
- coup de nextempire
- masterm: Judging from the DTV stream you should look for Cocoon (!), Farbrausch, Speckdrumm, Kakiarts (already posted on pouet). If you like your lyrics dirty and in german you should check "Lutsch mein Schwanz"! :-)
- 2007-08-13
- This whole discussion reminds me a lot of "Obsoleet taking away the crown from Planet Risk" :)
- 2007-08-14
- Alle ihre Basen gehören zu uns!
- Ah nein! Sie stehlen meinen Eimer! Und meinen ersten Platz bei der Evoke!
- Sleep well in your Bettgestell!
- 2007-08-15
- Wer tut sich da erquicken hinter diesen Wicken?
- Another one, thomaes: Der Leichtmatrose Erwin Dose...
- ...and it shows! :-) Sorry, no prize for you!
- Nichts reimt sich auf Uschi.
- This looks like the penis graph from "Winnerdemo" :)
- Your sentence and your animated gif form an unholy union!
- Ist doch wurscht...
- 2007-08-20
- Comeback of the year!
- 2007-08-25
- Slow evening here on pouet, isn't it?