the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2002-01-13
- what is bukkake ?
- 2002-09-30
- Amiga rulez !
- 2002-12-09
- Welcome to the vortex
- 2002-12-18
- I'm drunk, and i RULE
- 2002-12-25
- my philosophy: EVERYTHING SUXX
- who cares !
- 2003-07-12
- that's a no no
- optimus should get a life...
- 2003-07-23
- promille dezing rulez
- 2003-08-08
- All your onelines are belong to Optimus
- shit, i am drunk too c u at asm !
- 2003-08-09
- the boozembly fire will burn !
- 2003-08-10
- is travoltas head copyrighted? :)
- 2003-08-14
- where can i get the dll for win32?
- 2003-08-23
- have a nice day...
- 2003-08-27
- Helsinki city beer marathon
- 2003-08-31
- here goes for nothing
- 2003-09-07
- Wie heisen Sie?
- 2003-09-15
- Juokaa reilusti viinaa!
- 2003-09-21
- 2003-09-25
- what a brainstorm!
- 2003-09-26
- can u see that creature humping on ur head?
- 2003-10-05
- The saw is family!
- 2003-10-29
- det här är en m-tog till vandafors