the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2000-10-04
- 2000-10-05
plx gonna own dreamhack
- 2000-10-16
yo niggaz :>
- 2000-11-03
im still alive :^)
- 2000-11-07
- 2000-11-21
damn! pouet roxx0rz :>
- 2000-11-30
get to a party cause of money probs.
- 2000-12-01
DH is on!
- 2000-12-04
DH=over, i wanna see the prods! :^)
- 2000-12-08
make pouet all english? ;^>
- 2000-12-09
7g bu sense r00l ;^>
and it aint easy to take a screenshot if you can't run the demo ;^>
- 2000-12-10
Weee lotsa new prods added :^D
- 2000-12-14
Whazap? checkin' a demo, havin' a beer :^)
- 2000-12-18
Have mega, super, ultra amazing fun. Or ill kill you! ;^)
- 2000-12-24
Merry Christmas everyone!! :D
Damn, make a Linux version of hugi plz ;^)
- 2001-01-06
Have a nice day! ;)
- 2001-01-14
weee pouet r00lz
- 2001-01-18
Why oh why, that is the question ;)
- 2001-01-29
- - Fun facts!
- 2001-02-02
pOUET s3z: gLOP, gLOP!@#
- 2001-02-06
Err, I must get an amiga...again. ;^)
- 2001-02-25
Screw the robot with a spoon because it mings for earth
Sombody set us up the bomb