the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2004-11-20
- Zapp! And we go on
- 2004-11-21
- Relaxing...listening to digital stuff at it's best.
- Hey Dip, leg auch mal die Füsse hoch. (erst mal nen Kaffe holen)
- Arme Sau ! It's sunday and me is the lucky one which could sty lazy.
- 2004-11-22
- Breakfast at work, u 2 ? (Mahlzeit!)
- Aaah, Treffen der Germanistikstudenten
- 2004-11-23
- Time to sleep.....stargazer's chip playing in Background
- 2004-11-25
- naja....(belongs to the point of view) :)
- 2004-11-26
- let's look what's on
- 2004-11-29
- what the heck....
- 2004-12-05
- finally there's time again to surf here...nice sunday to you all
- 2004-12-07
- Hardcoregamers play Windows. Anybody seen who finished ? :) (Boah bin ich lustisch heute)
- 2004-12-09
- Hatari !!!
- 2004-12-10
- Nix Nentai, Hatari...means Danger :)
- Greetz to Black-Maiden for 10Years and much fun on the meeting. (Wär auch gerne gekommen, Dip) Bad timing from my side :(
- 2004-12-12
- Altobelli
- 2004-12-13
- ok, seems to be the right time to talk about chicks :)
- 2004-12-15
- Papperlapapp (<-old german comment)
- 2004-12-16
- :-) Thumb up
- 2004-12-17
- Nudeln mit Sosse.....sofort !
- 2004-12-18
- Excellent timing.....listening to Variform just now
- still eaten. (wenn ich hier drauf gewartet hätte, wär ich schon verhungert - Mahlzeit ) :)
- 2004-12-19
- I'm invited now in a restaurant. Envyously ? :-) c u all and hav ea nice sunday evening
- ok, female seems to be a good choice, depands on...