the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2000-10-04
- YoP !!!
- GLoP !!!
- PLouF !!!
- bli !!!
- aglapi !!!
- anal rulez je dois malheureusement l'avouer
- I'm walking down the street and my heart goes pouët
- it's rules !
- it's beta, don't play with it too much =)
- New Grenn day is very coll
- are you free today?
- we're about to strike again
- i love myself!
- :-)
- 2000-10-05
- cute cute =)
- Hi
- ho ho ho
- it's cool to see avatar speaking together :) [poi]
- hey bub ! where is my bubble ?!
- kwuack!
- Hi... I'm watching you
- hey chuis aux gobz la :))
- i love
- plx gonna own dreamhack
- [==[]-----