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united virtual artists [UVA] [web] [demozoo] [glöplog]
type prodname platform release party release date rulez piggie sucks avg popularity last comment
demo Windows MonikhaH january 2002 4 4 3 0.09
isok 2007-06-17 00:47:03 T$
64k Windows harmony 2nd at inérciaDemoparty 2003 july 2003 13 7 7 0.22
rulez 2009-05-01 22:38:14 xernobyl
4k Windows prelude to fractalize (with Hybrid-2k) 1st at inérciaDemoparty 2003 july 2003 2 3 7 -0.42
sucks 2011-09-04 20:35:31 ferris
musicdisk Windows ganza february 2002 0 1 0 0.00
isok 2013-05-12 14:00:50 asle
added on the 2001-09-19 03:05:18 by hybrid-2k hybrid-2k

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