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Those Up Fucked Sceners [Tufs] [web] [csdb] [demozoo] [glöplog]
type prodname platform release party release date rulez piggie sucks avg popularity last comment
slideshow Windows you should know better july 2007 12 27 5 0.16
rulez 2008-09-26 02:41:45 GGN
demo Linux Yet Another Christmas Demo december 2008 18 6 0 0.75
isok 2009-01-18 18:15:12 T$
demo Windows xmas scroller: summer edition december 2006 2 12 3 -0.06
sucks 2016-07-17 09:12:11 Baudsurfer
demo Commodore 64 X-mas 2009 december 2009 5 1 0 0.83
rulez 2024-05-20 13:47:03 SiR
demo Windows Vulcano 6th at Solskogen 2008 july 2008 11 7 1 0.53
sucks 2009-05-12 21:42:05 Eliecan
8k Android TV Noise Live Wallpaper november 2010 13 2 5 0.40
sucks 2019-11-17 18:42:42 guardian ٩๏̯͡๏۶
demo slideshow Windows Suicide Trees 7th at Stream 2008 september 2008 17 3 0 0.85
rulez 2024-05-20 13:18:42 SiR
wild Animation/Video Spykladd 6 (with Poo-Brain) 6th at Evoke 2014 august 2014 8 4 18 -0.33
rulez 2017-02-23 14:18:08 ɧ4ɾɗվ.
wild Animation/Video Spykladd 5 2nd at TRSAC 2010 october 2010 2 3 3 -0.12
rulez 2021-01-04 22:44:54 El Topo
wild Animation/Video Spykladd 4 "Multikladd" 2nd at Kindergarden 2009 november 2009 12 8 28 -0.33
rulez 2017-02-23 14:07:19 ɧ4ɾɗվ.
wild Animation/Video Spykladd 3 - minikladd 3rd at Solskogen 2009 july 2009 5 2 6 -0.08
sucks 2019-05-24 07:52:55 guardian ٩๏̯͡๏۶
wild Animation/Video Spykladd 3rd at Kindergarden 2007 november 2007 13 4 5 0.36
isok 2017-04-18 15:00:22 nagz
invitation Commodore 64 Solskogen 2008 invtro (with kvasigen) may 2008 24 5 0 0.83
rulez 2024-05-20 13:25:05 SiR
demo Windows So you don't have to 9th at Kindergarden 2010 november 2010 0 5 1 -0.17
sucks 2016-07-17 09:10:03 Baudsurfer
demo Linux Smegma in your eyes 1st at Xenox 2004 2004 1 3 0 0.25
isok 2009-01-18 18:25:03 T$
demo Windows Silver Pepper of the Stars 6th at Solskogen 2009 july 2009 2 13 0 0.13
rulez 2009-09-01 22:59:14 Queen_Luna
demo Windows Sexual Healing 2nd at Robinson Boozoe 2009 june 2009 5 17 14 -0.25
sucks 2024-05-20 13:55:23 SiR
64k Atari STe Ratu - Tribute to Nosfe 5th at Solskogen 2009 july 2009 20 7 20 0.00
rulez 2021-10-03 13:53:50 Blast!
demo Windows Pøbelfrø 7th at Solskogen 2006 july 2006 13 11 4 0.32
sucks 2016-07-17 09:13:16 Baudsurfer
intro Commodore 64 Partyscroller (with Creators) september 2004 5 5 0 0.50
rulez 2024-05-20 13:43:55 SiR
wild Animation/Video Outline 2009 Flashback 7th at Outline 2011 june 2011 3 2 0 0.60
rulez 2020-08-13 19:03:14 SiR
demo Windows mosa 1st at Geek Camp 2009 november 2009 9 3 5 0.24
sucks 2009-11-21 16:41:21 guardian ٩๏̯͡๏۶
1k Windows Monster Curve 4th at Solskogen 2009 july 2009 11 13 1 0.40
isok 2009-10-09 15:33:53 kaoD
wild Wild LÆFSEFÆST 5th at Solskogen 2008 july 2008 7 4 3 0.29
rulez 2024-05-20 13:21:01 SiR
demo Linux Linux for faen 7th at Solskogen 2007 july 2007 2 6 3 -0.09
isok 2009-04-14 04:31:02 Queen_Luna
wild Wild Lefsefest II forfallet 6th at Kindergarden 2008 november 2008 5 3 3 0.18
isok 2009-05-12 20:28:44 Eliecan
wild Wild Kebap OF 3rd at Kindergarden 2010 november 2010 1 1 2 -0.25
sucks 2019-07-05 14:24:32 guardian ٩๏̯͡๏۶
demo Windows Issues may 2008 6 14 5 0.04
rulez 2024-05-20 13:23:40 SiR
demo Windows Intimate and disturbing 6th at Kindergarden 2008 november 2008 5 6 3 0.14
sucks 2009-01-17 01:13:14 T$
demo Windows infamies 9th at The Gathering 2007 april 2007 9 5 0 0.64
rulez 2024-05-20 13:34:27 SiR
demo Windows Homofilmfestivalen 9th at Solskogen 2004 2004 0 0 3 -1.00
sucks 2017-07-26 11:57:45 guardian ٩๏̯͡๏۶
demo Wild Hidden Agenda (with DHS) 9th at The Gathering 2009 april 2009 4 13 0 0.24
rulez 2014-05-26 21:11:02 applecrypt
demo Linux Happy XNI 9th at Solskogen 2009 july 2009 3 4 0 0.43
rulez 2010-02-04 17:42:38 Shriggar
demo Windows MacOSX PPC Happy Birthday TFT december 2008 22 4 2 0.71
rulez 2014-05-24 17:53:39 applecrypt
demo Windows Happy Birthday Proteque! december 2006 8 7 1 0.44
rulez 2009-04-14 04:30:40 Queen_Luna
demo Windows Happy birthday midget february 2007 8 14 1 0.30
sucks 2010-03-15 13:56:41 flickey
demo Windows growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional march 2010 23 4 1 0.79
isok 2014-03-20 12:08:44 tFt
demo Windows Got pills 7th at Kindergarden 2006 november 2006 7 11 5 0.09
sucks 2016-07-17 09:12:39 Baudsurfer
demo Windows Good dressed 4th at Kindergarden 2006 november 2006 19 21 1 0.44
rulez 2024-05-20 13:41:21 SiR
demo Windows God Jul december 2007 3 5 9 -0.35
isok 2008-12-23 02:52:53 T$
demo Windows Fucktro 8th at Solskogen 2004 june 2004 2 3 8 -0.46
isok 2009-03-21 11:03:38 SoDa7
wild Wild Forty Five Degrees Promo 4th at Solskogen 2012 july 2012 2 4 0 0.33
isok 2021-02-14 17:27:40 guardian ٩๏̯͡๏۶
musicdisk Windows Forty Five Degrees Solskogen 2012 july 2012 7 2 0 0.78
rulez 2013-01-02 21:14:47 T$
demo Commodore 64 Every Color's Equal april 2010 3 2 2 0.14
rulez 2010-09-27 16:31:25 Queen_Luna
wild Animation/Video Det ekje snakk om noko anna enn spykladd 2 4th at Kindergarden 2008 november 2008 13 2 3 0.56
isok 2012-07-20 21:34:38 Steel
wild Wild D ekje snakk om noko anna 3rd at Stream 2008 september 2008 6 3 8 -0.12
isok 2017-09-16 23:06:55 Steel
wild Animation/Video CompoFylla 4 "TRSAC Edition" 3rd at TRSAC 2009 october 2009 5 4 3 0.17
sucks 2024-05-20 13:51:57 SiR
wild Wild Compofiller3:Solskogen2007banner 2nd at Solskogen 2009 july 2009 4 0 4 0.00
rulez 2020-04-20 20:51:35 kRiZ^cMz
wild Wild Compofiller II 6th at Kindergarden 2008 november 2008 5 2 1 0.50
isok 2009-01-16 23:41:25 T$
wild Wild CompoFiller 2nd at compusphere 2007 june 2007 5 3 4 0.08
sucks 2024-05-20 13:30:36 SiR
demo Linux Claustrophobic Sting 10th at The Gathering 2003 april 2003 0 0 2 -1.00
sucks 2004-06-13 09:47:16 Hatikvah
musicdisk Windows MacOSX Intel Cholesterin n/a at Solskogen 2010 july 2010 13 3 1 0.71
isok 2019-11-06 13:11:20 tFt
demo Windows Cheerleader autopsy 3rd at TRSAC 2009 october 2009 2 5 1 0.12
rulez 2024-05-20 13:49:53 SiR
demo Windows Bursdagsnerver may 2009 9 7 0 0.56
isok 2009-05-31 20:48:33 T$
demo Windows Beauty from ashes
6th at The Gathering 2009 april 2009 37 14 2 0.66
rulez 2009-06-21 19:36:12 CONS
added on the 2004-03-01 16:02:12 by Quarryman Quarryman
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