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NAA [demozoo] [glöplog]
type prodname platform release party release date rulez piggie sucks avg popularity last comment
demo Windows West End 3rd at Slach 2001 july 2001 4 4 0 0.50
isok 2009-03-19 16:23:06 Sorcerer
demo MS-Dos Darkness 1st at JFF Convention 1998 july 1998 0 2 0 0.00
isok 2003-11-16 19:21:52 elkmoose
demo Windows Childbone 8th at Lucky & Tigrou Party 2000 august 2000 0 10 1 -0.09
isok 2005-06-30 15:47:13 NuKem
added on the 2000-09-22 12:35:14 by ThaNerd ThaNerd
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