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edits for this prod:

date glöperator action more info
2014-05-10 17:12:39 Tomoya Tomoya prod_add_credit purplesyringa purplesyringa - code
2014-04-24 08:46:34 Tomoya Tomoya prod_link_edit {"id":"14885"}
2014-04-24 08:45:22 Tomoya Tomoya prod_edit []
2014-04-21 14:41:29 hitchhikr hitchhikr prod_edit []
2014-04-20 19:47:46 tomaes tomaes prod_add_credit Manwe Manwe - code, music
2014-04-20 19:47:43 tomaes tomaes prod_add_link youtube - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h829mkWXpYM
2014-04-20 19:47:31 tomaes tomaes prod_add_link online - http://thesands.ru/forth/
2014-04-20 19:28:13 tomaes tomaes prod_edit []
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