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edits for this prod:

date glöperator action more info
2020-06-10 20:15:17 ltk_tscc ltk_tscc prod_edit []
2015-07-10 08:22:41 havoc havoc prod_link_edit {"id":"12208"}
2015-07-10 08:22:22 havoc havoc prod_change_link
new: Youtube HQ - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uqAmcdGSC14
reason: Youtube video with higher framerate and resolution options.
2014-04-30 14:55:18 StingRay StingRay prod_add_credit Yazoo^OXY Yazoo^OXY - gfx, charset
2014-04-06 13:17:05 gasman gasman prod_add_credit axis^oxy axis^oxy - Code
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