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edits for this prod:

date glöperator action more info
2023-12-15 20:57:38 hitchhikr hitchhikr prod_edit []
2021-03-27 04:09:26 havoc havoc prod_edit []
2021-03-27 04:08:12 havoc havoc prod_change_info current prod name / title: Youthful Expressions #07 - menu
new prod name / title: Youthful Eprressions #07 - menu
current type: demopack
new type: intro
current demozoo ID: 217061
new demozoo ID: 217061
2015-08-10 21:56:25 havoc havoc prod_change_downloadlink current: http://ftp.amigascne.org/pub/amiga/Groups/T/Ten...
old: http://ftp.amigascne.org/pub/amiga/Groups/T/Ten...
new: ftp://ftp.amigascne.org/pub/amiga/Groups/T/Tens...
reason: Dead.
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