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Closed Society

 .:____ .         _                       .
  | .    |\   . _/_\_ .              . __ : __ .        _           .
  :____/|| | ____\_/__/|___/||\___    ___/| ____ ____/|/_\ __/| ____:__ /|  .
  /. ___|| ||___  \ ___| ___||__ .\ _/ ___||___  \ ___| _  ___|  __/|  | |  :
 |  (____|  \___)  )__ \ _|_____)  )_|___ \ \__)  )____| | _|__| |___\   |  |
  \_______/\______/_____)_________/ |______)_____/______/\_______| ____ / . |
                  |/          .  __ |/__ .                    roy|/    . ___|.
                                    :                                       :
  Intro Creditz                     .      SAC - Superior Art Creations WHQ
      Coding     : Z80                    LKCC - Last KC Computerclub WHQ
      Gfx+Design : ROY                     RZR - Razor 1911 Member Board
      Music      : still N/A               PNS - Peanuts Member Board

  Demo/Art/PCB/Music Stuff        Modem: +49-(0)30 553 24 71  (28.8 KBit)
  3 Lines, PCBoard                ISDN : +49-(0)30 554 88 818 (64.0 KBit)
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