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Frank's Palace

                                                             __ _
    _ _________ _________ ________ _ _________ _____,_______ \// _______ _
     _\  _____/  ___  _//_____   _\__\    _  _\     |      / _ _/   ___/__
 _ _//_   ____   \_   _/     _    \\     /    \\    _   _ /   \\______    \_ _
  \\___     \_____/      ____/      ____/       ____/    \\_ _  ___      _//
   ___ \_____/___\______/___\______/___\_______/___\_______//______\______/_
 .'                                                                         `.
                              frank's palace bbs
                                    8 nodes
                                 closed system
                              over 2 years online
                             2,1 gigabytes online
                            q-tip world headquarter
                          assault german headquarter
                          tyranny german headquarter
                        dark forces courier headquarter
                           mge european headquarter
                            tur courier headquarter
                            hype german headquarter
                          phoenix german headquarter
                              0-7 day wares only
                   sysops frank borally, talion and sle(tm)

                    for contact call our application server
                        type 'open fapp' after connect

`.__ _ ___________________ _ ______ _   _ ________  /\____________________ __.'
      _\  __     _____   _\       /___________   _\/  \_______   ___   _//
  _ _//_  \_____/    _    \\    _/      _    _    \\   \/     \  \______/__ _
   \\_       | \_____/      ____      _//____/      ____       ____       //
             ;   -sg\______/    \______/    \______/    \_____/    \_____/

this ware reached frank's palace on 12-03-95 at 12:24 ...!

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