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Endless Pain

        ·                                                              ·
        :                  __________/\___________                     .
  |_____:___________________)_       \/        _(______________________:_____|
  |     :                   |                   |                      :     |
  |     ·      __           :                   :                      .     |
  |          __\/__        .                      .                          |
  |          \/__\/        |   This File Jetted   |   Just More Than Only    |
  |            \/          |     Through The      |   A Ordinary Bulletin    |
  |     ________           |                      |       Board System       |
  |   __\_ ____/  _______         _ ______        |       ______             |
  |  /   ____/____\__    \_ _____        /    ________  _/  ___/___  _____   |
  | /    \      /   /     /_\__  \   ___/_____\_ ____/__\____     /_/  __/___
  | \__________/   /     /    /   \_ \      /  ____/___     /    /_\___     /
  |         /_____/_____/    /     /_______/   \      /_________/     /    / .
  |                  /____________/     /____________/Rpd!   /____________/  |
                          _________        ______                            |
  Order Your Stuff     ___\__     /______ _\_  _/_ ______
    Here From The     /    _/    /_\_    \_      /_\_    \_   Node1: Usr 33.6
     Worlds Best     /    ______/  _/     /     /   /     /   Node2: Usr 21.6
  .    Artists      /______/ /    _      /_____/   /     /    Node3: Net 28.8
  |                         /_____/_____/   /_____/_____/     Node4: Net 28.8
                                                  .           Node5: Net 28.8
 WannaB's: Mogue!/Arclite  .  One Of Worlds Best  |                          .
          eCs/Trsi & Sion  | Best·Biggest·Fastest |           __             |
   Exocet/Anthrox^Arclite  |  In Ansi·Ascii·Anim  |         __\/__           |
 Slime!/Royal^Pa·Prestige  |       Business       |         \/__\/           |
  .                        |                                  \/             |
  |     ·                                                              .     |
  |     .                   :                   :                      .     |
  |_____:___________________|_       /\        _|______________________:_____|
        :                  _)_______/ \\________(_                     :
        :                         )______(                             :
        .                                                              .
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