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Brain Damage

                ___         ___        ___        ___         ___  ... .....
     __/\_______\ /_________\ /________\ /________\ /_________\ /_ ::   ...:..
     \ oO /____ ___ \__ ________\__ _______\_ ________\__ _______ \:_   :..:
     /_\/_\          \      ;____\          \          \           \ \
       \//       --- /\         \/    ___;  /\         /\      ;    \ \
   .... /___________/__\___/    /\      /__/__\_______/__\____/      \ \
   :    \brain_damage___\_/____________/ op:_warhawk______\__/________\_\
   :        |             \____________\/                    \_________\/
. .. ..     |                                                      |
            :   - aif mem (=) ma ghq (=) vdo mem (=) dps dist -    |
   :        |    tk dist (=) shc dist (=) lor ghq (=) zo dist      :
   :        |      (=) ue dist (=) x-treme dist (=) tbf dist       |
   .        |   (=) mhs dist (=) scl ghq (=) dcy dist (=) inf mem  :
            |      (=) naps dist (=) shoot dist (=) fuel mem       |
            |                    (=) d4n dist                      |
            |                                                      |
            |  nolamerz.noleechers.scene.faststuff.art.pcb15.3.pb  |
    _________ _ ________ _ ________ _ ________ _ ________ ____ ________ _  _
__ _\        \__\       \__\       \__\       \__\  _____\_____\ : ____\
  \           \          \          \          \    ;        \    ____¡C!___
  /     ---;  /\   ___;  /\         /\   ___;  /\             \           \ \
 /___________/__\____/  /  \___\_; /  \____/__/__\_____________\___        \ \
 \_______________\__/___________/______\ \________\_____________\__\________\ \
            |       \________\__________\/                         |\________\/
        ----+------------------------------------------------------+--- - -
            : anal 49-221-xxxxxxx 28.8 ?! 64.4 49-221-xxxxxxx isdn :
            .                                                      .
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