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Midnight Resistance

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  .\╖  \____/                                          /___/               ╖/.
   \╖                   ∙──═ /Y\iDNiGHT RESiSTANCE ═──∙                    ╖/
      ┌───────────────────────── Staff Members ─────────────────────────┐
      │      ßlack Mantle [P], Devil Warrior [MALiCE/P], Dominator      │
      │     Everlast [RiSC], Malicious Motive, Night Assassin [SNK]     │
      └───────────────────────── Vivid [P/PWA] ─────────────────────────┘
             3 Nodes / All FAST 28.8 k USR,  With 1.8 Gigs Online!
          Supporting BOTH 0 Day Ibm And Console Files To The 416 Area
                       P R O D i G Y   P C   C A N   H Q
                ■MR■ (416) 654-xxxx / 654-xxxx / 656-xxxx! ■MR■
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