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Rare Underground Demos and Party Research

category: general [glöplog]
Dear Pouet and The Whole Gang,

As of 08-12-2002 I submitted 2 productions that had nothing to do with Demo Scene Whatsoever.

So I'm gonna start my own research for extremely hard to find demos and parties and submit them to this site that totally rocks, And my own website as well.

I apologise to robotriot and crest for unnessasary comments in the comment sections of this site.

Mike Schulze
added on the 2002-08-19 12:37:29 by Mike 3D Mike 3D

thats a nice task but how can parties and demos have nothing to do with demoscene?

added on the 2002-08-19 13:21:24 by raver raver
My Mistake in writing it out,

If there is a rare demo that has to do with demo scene then this is what I will be submitting to pouet, As well as demo parties that are missing from this site.

So I will be hunting down the really hard to find productions like the 2 by WTsoftware I submitted.
Thanks Dipswitch for the correct download link.

So if you know of a production thats missing from this site email me the name of the file year of release and I will do everything Possible to hunt it down and get it on pouet.
M. Schulze

added on the 2002-08-19 13:48:14 by Mike 3D Mike 3D
No offence, but I think when ppl here are interested in adding a specific demo then they will usually search for themselves. I can add several more demos, but I have not the money for hour long inet sessions every day.
added on the 2002-08-19 23:12:27 by Crest Crest
mike schulze: r u 12 ? or just retarded ??? or both ?
du nervst nur noch rumm... du hast keine ahnung von nix, davon aber viel...
crest: und du micha... immer mit deinem rummgeheule: "i have no money for inet, i have no money for all the machines to watch the productions... i have no money for new pantz..."

herr im himmel, wo bin ich hier ???
demoscene ist nicht alles...
ihr benehmet euch wie freaks die nix anderes als
demoscene contacte haben...
und wenn man dann euch ans bein pisst seid ihr direkt beleidigt und die scheisse geht von vorne los...

reisset euch mal am riemen...

added on the 2002-08-20 04:32:20 by Igoronimo Igoronimo
Well, demoscene is for sure not the meaning of life, but at least for me it's the *reason* for still living. Not just a (more or less important) hobby like for many other ppl. And staying in the scene for 10 years and still not losing any interest in it means quite something while several other ppl are coming, maybe releasing something and then quitting the scene when the focus turns to other things (or leaving immediately when they find out that demoscene is not about Quake or Counterstrike). Of course there are some ppl which are even longer in the scene (especially in the 8bit scene). Anyone revealed this underground scene in a different decade and in a different state of progress and focussed to the hardware which he has at this time or which just was the mainstream at this time. So here it's PC while other sceners made their experience mainly with Amiga or C64. Some sceners are switching nowadays from PC back to the old machines and this is very ok for me. But at least in the PC scene 10 years are a long time (not to talk about the big and much to fast changes in the hardware). Even with enough money in the back I would probably not buy a new machine (or cpu or gfx adapter) every few month or even every year. This is just stupid.

I was never a friend of arrogance or stupid bullshit talk (or comments). And I was also never a friend of this stupid platform war (for some sceners it's still fun to keep this war alive). And so I will also in the future not shut up when this happens. It's quite a time ago when I have tried to be everyones friend. This is over and it will not change anymore.

Any answer in english please (the thread is not only for germans of interest)
added on the 2002-08-20 06:19:00 by Crest Crest
Demomike! If you wan't to find one of the rarest demos (or intros) in the world <g>, find us tripfish by mewlers. It's a 128k intro from aggressive party II.
The damn thing doesn't exist, goddammit!

Here are the results from the party for starters to your quest for the missing intro: http://www.hut.fi/~shlehtin/aggression/kuu.html
Please also notice the Coral's victory over mfx's tgr I. Hilarious...

Oh, and if you'll find it, i'll by you a beer next time (the first time) we meet. honest.
added on the 2002-08-20 08:09:38 by kurli kurli
DemoMike, try finding Cheese Diskmag #04. I'll give you a crate of beer if you find a valid version.

In the meantime, don't post on pouet, ok?
added on the 2002-08-21 01:42:28 by Shifter Shifter
shifter, hehe
added on the 2002-08-21 10:04:36 by mempheria mempheria
A rare demo I would like to find, is a working version of Chain by Elmsoft on Amstrad CPC. In fact, there is one in ftp.lip6.fr but it has a bad sector or something, so everyone has this and not the original. The first part runs, but after a long time, while loading the second, it will crash or something.. they have told me good words about the second displaying big impressive sprite, but I have never ever seen it..

Also, a working second side of the greek diskmag Sex#1, I am not sure if Rex can find a right version, he may have lost it too,.. hehe...

But why I am writting here? Not asking some sceners? :)

added on the 2002-08-21 11:24:50 by Optimus Optimus


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