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Revision 2013

category: parties [glöplog]
Thx for the GREAT party!!! Hopefully nobody got sick from the cold wind outside.

To bad for the last place of our entry in the exec music oldskool competition, I didn't expect it to be last. But I have to admit it was not finished and we can do a lot better! But still proud if I say for myself because it was a semi-party production. Worked on it for one evening myself, then together with Davizion including explain ring stuff to him, then at the party together with Mr-Z and the loud noise in the main hall. Also giving some explaining to him but there was no time so we worked like hell to get it done. And if not we decided to submit the entry anyway.

And so we did!! 2 minutes before the deadline! BAM!! It felt really good doing that!

So thanks a lot for people who voted for us and actually liked our tune :-D
@SunSpire: The set by Knoeki vs. glxblt seems to have a hell lot of glitches and partly loss of stereo in it. :( Also: Want to download it. Streaming is not an option most of the time.
added on the 2013-04-02 12:58:44 by Raven^NCE Raven^NCE
Raven^NCE: There are download links at the top of those pages I posted. I haven't listened to them yet but glitches may be a problem of course. I dunno if Ziphoid and staff have made local recordings of the sets, if so they might be able to fix the downloads. Or maybe someone else has a working recording .. :)
added on the 2013-04-02 13:11:22 by SunSpire SunSpire
Oh, forgot to say BIG SORRY lug00ber for not attending your Break Beat seminar but I had a rough Saturday night ( I'm not talkin' booze but rather <Evilbot>: "no, it is not and your Amiga broke" ... almost literally !) wich let me finally crash around 7 a.m. and I slept through 1 p.m.
Thankfully there are recordings of it so I can check it out now since the project- meeting has been postponed 'til tomorrow :)
added on the 2013-04-02 13:23:21 by d0DgE d0DgE
Thank you for a GREAT party!
added on the 2013-04-02 13:24:53 by kurli kurli
A big THANK YOU to all Revision organizers, staff and all the people involved in bringing us this massive party. Everything went really smooth, compos were a blast and the DJ sets rocked hard! Like every year I met so many cool people that I would've liked to talk to much longer, great to see lug00ber at a german party for once ;) Thank you to AMcBain for those really awesome necta/revision keyfobs!! <3

Back home now with a bad cold but nevermind that .. thanks again everyone for an awesome party!! \o/
added on the 2013-04-02 13:31:32 by SunSpire SunSpire
A massive thanks to all the organizers that made this wonderful time possible for us guests. I know that you know how amazing you guys are, and how much I appreciate your months of hard work and planning prior to an event this size. And as always - everything ran smoothly, compos were flawlessly executed, coffee was free, entertainment was ACE!

Also, a big thanks to everyone I had a chance to talk to during the party, share a couple of beers with or even host a brief night before travelling to catch the danish bus. I still can't believe we actually made it in time to catch the train :D

Sorry for not finishing our 64k intro. There was simply not enough time, and instead of releasing some half assed entry (again) we decided to ditch it and have fun instead. We WILL be back again next year :D
added on the 2013-04-02 13:37:11 by Punqtured Punqtured
I'll just concur to what Zavie said on the last day - a five star party in all aspects. (With perhaps the exception of the curious number of technical mishaps, seemingly all centered around the new version of the beamer system :P )
added on the 2013-04-02 13:49:26 by Gargaj Gargaj
completely up to the orgas of course, but on the way home in the bus we discussed whether there would be any advantage to doing prepayments for tickets? advantages for Revision, that is.

Did not have to confer any kind of special advantage for the visitor(the TRSAC ticket doesnt really), its just a way of being supportive of the party up front without it actually costing extra :)
added on the 2013-04-02 14:37:39 by nic0 nic0
it is perfectly possible that Revision has no use for my money up front of course :)
added on the 2013-04-02 14:41:31 by nic0 nic0
Thanks for this awesome trip! This was the best party I had since Evoke 2002. The only thing to improve this experience, would have been to arrive with a proper release. But I can't blame you for that :-)
@gargaj: One of the points I was completely stunned by, was how professional the tech-crew handled the technical difficulties. And having okkie as an instand audio filler turned them into a entertaining part of the show.
added on the 2013-04-02 14:45:10 by pixtur pixtur
Sunday compostudio... There's no need for that, no :)
added on the 2013-04-02 14:45:52 by Puryx Puryx
And having okkie as an instand audio filler turned them into a entertaining part of the show.

Indeed. And the singing kids were adorable!
added on the 2013-04-02 14:53:38 by Preacher Preacher
...that was actually a pretty good news piece
added on the 2013-04-02 15:14:05 by d0DgE d0DgE
whether there would be any advantage to doing prepayments for tickets

Immediate advantage or not, I'm all for the option to prepay the party ticket - just like the volunteer sponsor things. From an event management point of view it just helps to see the magic "break even" sign approach.
added on the 2013-04-02 15:23:46 by d0DgE d0DgE
That was fun, let's do it again sometime!!!
added on the 2013-04-02 15:44:03 by okkie okkie
Thanks again for a pro organized party. Nothing really to compliain about. Maybe the outside area was abit less nice this year, but I wasnt really using it that much so I really cant complain.
Shout outs to

Dodge: for our mandatory graff talk.
(here btw are the 2 Grifters "Goodguy Boris From Hungary" videos i was ranting about ;) Grifters & Grifters vs 1UP

Others that need shout outs are :Azzaro, Hakon, Dino, XXX, Wiklund,Steel,Topy,ohli,Fieserwolf,Streetuff,Nosfe,The mIGHTY Britelite,H7,b0n, DDT & Son , The Norwegian click, The DAnish Click and ofcourse all my beloved darklite members.

Felt I did not socialize that much this year. I need to get my act together next time(Evoke maybe :)

Again to Dfox and the organizers, sorry for the crappy darklite sticker, even experienced my self that is was shit to get off now from my computer and other stuff.
Next year we use post-it stickers that fall down by them self after 1 day ;)
Supporter ticket next year for sure.
added on the 2013-04-02 15:56:07 by tFt tFt
And Okkie ofcourse (goes without sayin ;)
added on the 2013-04-02 15:56:49 by tFt tFt
Great party, I can agree with much of the praise above. However, nothing is perfect so let me mention a few things that could improve revision (for me, atleast)

- During dj-sets and music compos it was difficult to find a place to talk without having to scream against the 2 PAs. Outside it was rather cold. The tunnel was not terrible but also not that great for having a chat. A simple solution would be to mute the 2nd stage; then people could just chill next to the infodesk.
- I hated the war-game commercial right before some compo block. I'm glad there are sponsors but I'd like them better without this specific type of bigscreen contributions.
- Being sick sucked as well. My body made me miss 95% of Wayfinders set. :(

All the other aspects of the party were very enjoyable! Thanks for making it happen.
added on the 2013-04-02 16:44:47 by cp_ cp_
Personally I've had the worst party experience for 12+ years!

... having spent a total of about 26 hours in the partyhall during the party and the rest of the time in the hotel being sick is not my idea of enjoyable.

Sorry to all the people I didn't talk to or spent time with, the new guys from Denmark who joined the bus for the first time and the old ones whom I didn't get to party with ... and especially to Booster for not being able to work on the amiga demo, I'm really bummed out about that part.

I will try and take my revenge at Outline, Solskogen, maybe Evoke/Function this year, TRSAC and then maybe Kindergarden.

.. oh and thanks to all the nice organizers i talked to after the last compos, that's quite a nice tradition to go to the VIP area and drink all your beer, and have you drink all our schnapps.

For next year, I would like to be taken in consideration for a new VIP pass since I practically weren't at the party until the last evening. Then I'll make you 3 bottles of pepperschnapps so you have a new one for each day to serve to your VIP's.
added on the 2013-04-02 17:05:44 by dwarf dwarf
A simple solution would be to mute the 2nd stage; then people could just chill next to the infodesk.

This has the added advantage that there's no weird audio delay when you're near the back of the hall and hear both audio sources at the same time; the 2nd stage just lags behind half a second.
added on the 2013-04-02 17:06:50 by ___ ___
Had a blast as well, thanks for a great party! (And sorry to everyone I annoyed while drunk ;-)) Special thanks to dfox, styx and madame for letting us promote our party at a reasonable price. :-*

There are just small things, which might or might not be improved:
- The stairs in front of the main screen are imho f**king uncomfortable ;-)
- It felt to me like each ansi/ascii entry got shown for like 10 seconds (especially a problem with the longer ones), other graphic entries were shown way longer
- We need more vegetarian food options. Thanks to metoikos, m' & Julia for trying to improve this already <3

@cp_: I didn't mind the commercial (money has to come from someone...), but maybe it would have been better to place it before the game or demo compo.
added on the 2013-04-02 17:07:41 by moqui moqui
PS: maybe somebody did ask that already: Is there a download link for the awesome jingles (compo versions, etc, and the full track (non-demo version))?
added on the 2013-04-02 17:11:42 by moqui moqui
hi all ! fantastic party. nice to meet you, good talks with every people and bravo iso :)))
love it
especially regards to darklite with their black alcohol thing which burned my head

go demoscene go

regards to all love you

added on the 2013-04-02 17:12:22 by yogibeer yogibeer


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