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memories double by Planet XOR

'memories double' by XORK/Planet XOR - a 256 Byte DOS Intro
Hi guys on Earth,

this is XORK from Planet XOR speaking ! When we got hold of Hellmood's
'memories' we were so disappointed that he only managed to get 7
effects in those 256 Bytes...you can easily do 15 ! See the file
attached (runs in DOSBOX with sound, cycles max).

Here's our effects list:
01 - Planet XOR setting up transmission to earth
02 - Diagonal rainbow rasterbars plus shadow
03 - Are your fucking surveillance cameras broken !?
04 - Wolfenstein demo using MicroNotch/XORTech
05 - Farting rainbows out of your...
06 - Planet XOR active crater area
07 - Planet XOR magic woven carpet
08 - Rainbow diaphragm
09 - Infinite XOR chess diagonal zoomer
10 - XOR or die!
11 - Tron two-player game preview using MicroUT6/XORTech
12 - Planet XOR temple at the lake
13 - Your sun will explode like this soon if you don't obey to us !
14 - Greetings part to our fellow aliens...can't read it ? Learn XOR !
15 - Very deep look into a black hole

If you can do 31 effects, may be we'll be impressed ;-)

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