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RESETkání 2019 invitation by kLik

*+                                +*
*+ RESETkani 2019 invitation demo +*
*+ ------------------------------ +*
*+                                +*
*+ EN = English CZ = Czech        +*
*+                                +*
*+ Powered by K-Fighter engine by +*
*+ Krabob^Mankind                 +*
*+                                +*
*+ Script, graphics: jack-3d^kLik +*
*+ Music: Nooly^MRS^clrsrc^AWY    +*
*+ Script support: GHH            +*
*+                                +*
*+ System requirements: Amiga AGA +*
*+ System recommendations:        +*
*+ 68060 or Vampire               +*
*+                                +*
*+ Released at Revision 2019 in   +*
*+ Amiga Demo competition         +*
*+                                +*
*+ RESETkani 2019 party info:     +*
*+ --------------------------     +*
*+ 17.-19.5.2019 (Friday-Sunday)  +*
*+                                +*
*+ CDS (Centrum Dennich Sluzeb)   +*
*+ Vodova 65                      +*
*+ 612 00 Brno / Czech Republic   +*
*+                                +*
*+ http://resetkani.untergrund.net+*
*+                                +*
*+ This party will be dedicated   +*
*+ to Chain :( R.I.P.             +*
*+ Big Amiga enthusiast, Lightwave+*
*+ guru and Amiga hw expert, we   +*
*+ will never forget!             +*
*+                                +*
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