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profanity by Darkside

                         .                  .
                .                                        .
     .                     :                  :                     .
                :      _ __|___            ___|__ _      :
     :      _ __|___  _ __ ___/  dARkSidE  \___ __ _  ___|__ _      :
 _ __|___  _ __ ___/                                  \___ __ _  ___|__ _
_ __ ___/                                                        \___ __ _
  _________/\ ____/\ _ ___/\ ____.    _ ____/\  _ __  _ ___/\  _ ____
  \___.___  \\  .__\\ ___  \\    l____   __ //___ __)_.___  \\   ___/
      |  /    \ __/  \  /  _/__  _  _/____ \/    \    |  /    \ __)_____
      l_______/_|     \_\      \_\      \________/____|_______/______  /
_ __ ___        l______\ \______\ \______\ yop                    ___\/_ _
 _ __ __\  _ __ ___                                    ___ __ _  /__ __ _
     |      _ __ __\  _ __ ___              ___ __ _  /__ __ _      |
     :          |      _ __ __\  PRESENtS  /__ __ _      |          :
     .          :          |                  |          :          .
                .          :     at MS'99     :          .
                           .                  .

StingRay on the keys.
Here we are, in a room full of strangers... :D
Sitting here at the Mekka/Symposium'99 I'm proud to present my 4K Intro
called 'Profanity'. Well, I'm not really satisfied with it, because I
had to left out the text writer due to size problems, so it looks not
that nice anymore, but anyway, I hope you like it. I'll release a final
version soon after the MS, so watch out for it :).
This version of the intro requires a FPU (sorry!) and 4MB FAST, it runs
on any AGA-Amiga or with Gfx-cards [tested on A3000/68060/CV64-3D].

Ok, I'm too tired to write more now, and the Depth members with their
f*cking danish music are getting on my nerves as well, so I'll just
stop here, enjoy the intro and see you next year.

Special greetings and thanks must go to Scout/C-Lous^etc :) and Sniper/Nuance
for their help, kind support & friendship! :D

See you, I'm off now
StingRay/DSD - overtired coder :) [if the intro contains any bugs, don't
				  blame me :) ]
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