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512 byte brigade by AttentionWhore

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              512 byte brigade

        a tribute to "invite brigade"

           losso / AttentionWhore

               nordlicht 2018

   shout-outs go to widdy + deekay + ohli
   + fieser wolf!  also, thanks for using
   protracker for the music and embedding
   the mod within the gba rom file, since
   i'm really bad at reconstructing notes
   by ear. :)   once again, all the grunt
   work is done by blueberry's shrinkler,
   i just used wild assumptions and dirty
   shortcuts to minimise the  decrunching
   code some  more, and  spent two, three
   months rearranging bytes, swapping op-
   codes, tuning  constants  and encoding
   the  music in  many different  ways to
   make the packer happy. boring numbers:

   executable headers .........  36 bytes
   decruncher ................. 160 bytes
   crunched data *) ........... 316 bytes
   ---------------------------- ---------
                                512 bytes

   *) 814 bytes code/gfx/music + 256k bss
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