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Bird to be alive (BTBA) by Dune & Sector One [web] & Cerebral Vortex [web]

   /\         \   ____ ____    ____        ______
  /  \_________\__\___\\___\  /\___\  ____/\_____\
 /   /   ___   /_\_\  //   /_/ /   /_/\___\/     /
 \  /    \____/  /  \//   /__\/   /__\/   /     / --- SILLY VENTURE 2k17 ---
 \\/______      /    /  _/   /  _/   /   / _   /       GDANSK - POLAND
  \  /  \/     /____/_______/_______/______/  /   --- 08th-10th December ---
   \/_________/    /_______ ____  ___ _______/_____ ___ _________ ________
      /  \        / ______/     \/  /    /__/     /   /  __     /   _____/
     /    \      / ____/__      /  /   ____/__   /   /   \/____/ _____/____
     \     \    /        /   /    /    /     /  /   /    _    \           /
      \     \  /________/___/\___/__________/______/_____/_____\_________/
       \     \/        /   / /  /          /      /     /      /        /
        \    /_______ /___/\/__/_________ /_____ /____ /_____ /________/
         \  /
          \/                  SILLY VENTURE 2k17
                     uniting the ATARI community since 2k!

                             BIRD TO BE ALIVE Demo (v1.0)
                                 1st place in 
                               the Falcon demos
                                   (c) 2017

                         For standard Atari Falcon 030
                              16 Mhz / 16 Mo RAM

               Code ................ : Thadoss   / Dune
               Code ................ : Splash    / Sector one
               Gfx and Design....... : Templeton / Cerebral Vortex
               Design .............. : Xerus     / Arcadia Crew
               additional Gfx ...... : Mic       / Dune (disco texture)
               Music ............... : DMA-SC    / Sector One

               This demo should run well under hatari 2.0 or higher.
          It has also been tested with success on accelerated falcon 060.

          The first part (a bird is born) :
             This part is running in high resolution. All the animations
             are made with the 68030 when the DSP plays a MP2 soundtrack.

          The second part (happy birthday, let's dance) :
             Here, the demo runs in normal resolution, and the DSP is
             computing all the 3D, env-mappings, movements, ...
             The music is made of several loopable sequences, rescripted
             as a complete track. 

                Greetings to all our friends in the Atari communauty
                     and to Grey for his wonderful SillyVenture 

                           Have fun, stay (H)atari
                              See you in Gdansk.

  ______                   __                             __
 /_  __/      _____  ___  / /_      ____ _________  ___  / /______
  / / | | /| / / _ \/ _ \/ __/_____/ __ `/ ___/ _ \/ _ \/ __/ ___/
 / /  | |/ |/ /  __/  __/ /_/_____/ /_/ / /  /  __/  __/ /_(__  )
/_/   |__/|__/\___/\___/\__/      \__, /_/   \___/\___/\__/____/

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              //   \\         //   \\      //   \\         //   \\
             ((     ))       {(     )}    ((     ))       {{     }}
       jgs      |||            |||||         |||             |||
                 |              |||           |              '|'

Sophie, Cédric, Typhaine (my nice family),
Dune members (Chuck, Mic, Corbeau, ...),
Sector1, PyroFire, Szymon, Hatari team,
all atari sceners, Flush members

This demo is a major milestone in scrapping off rust from my brain.
So happy we made it together.
Greetings to all ppl at SV2K, we're a big family.

Ata. Atatatatatatatatatatatata...rii  \O_
Nié ? oO

Hello to old & new Atari demoscene friends,
and to creative people in any domain.
Please do not just watch, play, or command.
Think, build, have fun, and share.

Iaido, Zed, Chani, Hawk, Boris, Alex, Nabi, Hissssa, Gothmog, Sonja,
Leyla, Mophus, Wuuf, Stamm, Azizi, Leif, Tiggy, Wu Tse, Daroou, Halk,
Syra, Gando, Linflas, Elija.
Stay cool, stay Atari!
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