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Three Shades of Gray by Alumni [web]

Three Shades of Gray by Alumni
First presented at Simulaatio 7,  21st of May 2016

Should be playable with any 8MHz or faster 8086 PC with Hercules display and MS-DOS.
Runs also on Dosbox emulator on newer hardware, but the experience will be limited. :)

A dosbox configuration and start batch file provided for your convenience.
Before running the batch file, copy dosbox and required dlls to the same directory.

Some information about Hercules display:
MDA -compatible text mode: 3 shades of grey, unchangeable character set, 4kB (one page) of display memory
Graphics mode: 720x348 pixels, 1-bit black and white, 64kB (two pages) of display memory

Production was played at the Simulaatio 7 party with an Amstrad 1640 PC with  Hercules display.

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