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Unshaped by Masters Of Electric City

*                                     *
*           U N S H A P E D           *
*                                     *
*                 by                  *
*       Masters of Electric City      *
*                                     *
*         additional credits:         *
* - TMC Player - Jaskier              *
* - Exomizer - Magnus Lind            *
*            requirements:            *
* - any kind of CPU (no illegal       *
*   opcodes inside)                   *
* - 128kB of RAM (used only           *
*   130XE banks)                      *
* - STEREO (not required but nice     *
*   to have)                          *
* - PAL system (due to timings)       *
*             some info:              *
* - project has total 11850 asm lines *
*   (excl. depacker and player)       *
* - first commit: 21.06.2011          *
* - last commit:                      *
* - most earlier commit: 04:44        *
* - most late commit: 03:08           *
*   MMXII, Masters of Electric City   *
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