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Chippery by Torment [web]

##.../  /\...../   \ ... /   /\_/\....##
##../  / /...torment.atari.org/ \ \...##
##./  /  \.../  /\   /\    / /\__\ \..##
##/__/ /\ \./  / /\_/  /  / /./  /  \.##
##\__\/\ \ /  / /..\_\/  / /./  / /\ \##
##......\ /__/ /...../__/ /./__/ /__\/##
##                                    ##
##'Chippery' released at Sundown 2010 ##
## Hello everyone, spiny here, just a ##
## bit of info on the little chipdisk ##
## we put together for Sundown. Its   ##
## my very first demo written in 68k  ##
## using devpac. It's pretty basic as ##
## you can see, but I had a great time##
## writing it and putting it all tog- ##
## -ether.                            ##
##                                    ##
## Some Info:                         ##
## Contains 3 new tunes, written by   ##
## Rhino using MaxyMiser.             ##
## Contains a few new graphics, and   ##
## some old ones as I was running out ##
## of time, an old excuse I know ...  ##
## Contains all new code, 95% written ##
## by me, but with invaluable help    ##
## from the following people:         ##
##                                    ##
## GND. - scrolly background help     ##
## grazey - replay routine help       ##
## neutrino - scrolly logo help       ##
## nyh - looping help                 ##
## simonsunnyboy - coding advice      ##
## !cube - coding advice              ##
##                                    ##
## rhino - supplying three new tunes  ##
##                                    ##
## baldur - supplying various fonts   ##
##          back in 1993, only just   ##
##          got round to using them :)##
##                                    ##
## finally to Perihelion for writing  ##
## an easilly accessable set of coding##
## tutorials, without which I would   ##
## never have got started, thanks.    ##
##                                    ##
##                                    ##
##  There are probably other people I ##
## Have forgotten, so thanks also goes##
## out to the coding section on atari-##
## -forum, the sndh forum on dhs, the ##
## sundown crew for organising the pa-##
## -rty, the other visitors for not   ##
## laughing too much when it crashed  ##
## on the big screen :) and you for   ##
## watching it :)                     ##
##                                    ##
## Credits:                           ##
##                                    ##
## Code: spiny, GND.                  ##
## GFX: spiny, baldur, fuse           ##
## Music: Rhino                       ##
##                                    ##
## Tools Used:                        ##
##                                    ##
## Devpac for all coding              ##
## NeoChrome for pixelling and palette##
## checking                           ##
## Paint Shop Pro for pixelling       ##
## Steem for testing                  ##
## MaxyMiser for music making         ##
##                                    ##
## Compatability:                     ##
##                                    ##
## it runs in Steem :)                ##
## it also runs on my 4meg STe        ##
## unlikelly to run on a Falcon       ##
## Also works on 1Meg FM              ##
##                                    ##
## comments to phil@spiny.org :)      ##
##                                    ##
## thanks for watching, I hope to get ##
## a bit better at coding, so new     ##
## releases should be a bit better    ##
## looking :)                         ##
##                                    ##
## 07 09 2010                         ##
##                                    ##
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