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Spiral out by Evoflash [web]

                   _____               _               _____
             .____/ __  \____       __/ \__       ____/  __ \____.
     .  _____|___/_/__\  \__ \ ____ \     / ____ / __/  /__\_\___|_____  .
     . /  ___|:::::::  \__  \ \\__ \ \___/ / __// /  __/ ::::::::|___  \     
     :/  / __|:::::       \__\______\_   _/______/__/      ::::::|__ \  \:  
   ._|__/ /  |:::                     \_/                     :::|  \ \__|_.
   |_|___/___|:                                                 :|___\___|_|                                                     
    ______ _____.___________________.___.        _____  ._______   .___.______ 
  ./ ____/ \    |     /    \_   ___/|_  |________\___ \_|    __/___|   |    _/
  |   __|___\   |   _/      |  ______/  /    \_   ___  \______    \_  ___   | 
  |   \    _/   |   |       |  \    |         |    \     |   /     |  \ /   | 
  l____\   \_      _|       l___\   l__\      l_____\    l___\     l___\    |
   . .  \____\____/ l______/     \__|   \_____|      \___|    \____|bHe \___|
   | |:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::. . 
   | |:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::. .
   | |:::::::                                                     :::::::| |
   | |::::                                                           ::::| |
   | |::                  In their fifth year of bloom                 ::| |
   | |:                                                                 :| |
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   | |                   E   V   O   F   L   A   S   H                   | |
   | |                                                                   | |
   | |                                                                   | |
   | |                             presents                              | |
   | |                                                                   | |
   | :                                                                   | |
   | |                        Spiral Out / Flash                         | |
   | |                                                                   . |
   | |                                                                   : |
   | |            -+- entry to the Real Wild Compo at Asm10 -+-          | |
   | .                                                                   | |
   | :                                                                   | |
   | |             Screaming they came                                   | |
   | |             out of nothingness,                                   | |
   | |             As a sequel of fortune,                               | |
   | |                                                                   | |
   | |             All that was they carry inside,                       | |
   | |             Every moment leaving all behind still building,       | |
   | |             Splitting the atom to cleave again,                   | |
   | |             Embracing the unknown to adapt with it,               | |
   | |             Swinging on the cradle of random,                     | |
   | |                                                                   | |
   | |             Allowing chance to rework,                            | |
   | |             To change all that is needed,                         | |
   | |             With vigour, within the energy,                       | |
   | |             Sacrificing all, receiving everything,                | |
   | |             Trusting intuition guided by reason,                  | |
   | |             Reacting to reactions,                                | |
   | |             Learning from the everythingness,                     | |
   | |             Modifying the information and sharing all,            | |
   | |                                                                   | |
   | |             Unwittingly connected with others,                    | |
   | |             Instinctively vibrating with the surroundings,        | |
   | |             Feeling the rhythm, the continuum,                    | |
   | |             Growing to breed,                                     | |
   | |             Dying to let them move on,                            | |
   | |             On this wave of eternity,                             | |
   | |             They shiver for its quakes,                           | |
   | |             They calm for its inevitable,                         | |
   | |             They perceive its possibilities,                      | |
   | |             Ignore their limitations,                             | |
   | |             To become one with infinity,                          | |
   | |             To bend space and time,                               | |
   | |                                                                   | |
   | |             On this path of Universe becoming a being,            | |
   | |             Spiral out, keep going.                               | |
   | |                                                                   | |
   | |                                                                   | |
   | |                             credits                               : |
   | |                                                                   . |
   | |               jac ......................... code                  | |
   | |               derSchmale .................. code                  | |
   | |               minomus .................... music                  | |
   | |               bOhEmE ....................... gfx                  | |
   | |               Jalava ...... observer of fineness                  . |
   | |               Parker ........... raving at Ibiza                  | |
   | |               Blind ....... public relationships                  | |
   | |                                                                   | |
   | |               Final compile made using Apparat.                   | |
   | |               Read more at http://blog.joa-ebert.com/             | |
   | :                                                                   | |
   | .        Note: This production requires latest Flash Player 10.1    | |
   | |                                                                   : |
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   | .                                                                   | |
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   | |.                                                                 :| |
   | |::                  Ps. Silverlight still sucks                  ::| |
   | |::::                                                           ::::| |
   | |:::::::.... ___                  _                  ___ ....:::::::| |
   |_|________    \  \___ __ ____  ___/ \___  ____ __ ___/  /    ________|_|
   |_|______  \____\___  \\_\\__ \ \       / / __//_//  ___/____/  ______|_|
   : .      \________  \  \_____\ \_\     /_/ /_____/  /  ________/      . :
   .                 \__\____                     ____/__/                 .
                 _ ___ ____ _  evo.bombsquad.org  _ ____ ___ _
                           \\\_______    ________///
                                    /    \
                                   /__  __\          

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