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hbc-00008: How to use Blender by ½-bit Cheese [web]


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         /_/ /___|    |_.__/|_|\__|  \____|_| |_|\___|\___|___/\___|

                         ___  _______
                        /   \/   (_) \
                       / _            \
                     _/ (_) _____      \
                    //     ´     \      \
                   //      |    .´       \
                   |\      ¨\__'_./       \
                   | \                ()   \    :::  ½ - B I T   C H E E S E
                   |  \_____________________\
                   |  |                     |   :::  HBC.ERIKOINEN.COM
                   |  |         _____,      |
             ,     |()|        /      \     |   :::  RELEASE 00008
            <_'    |  |       '        '    |
                   |  |       |     *  |    |   :::  HOW TO USE BLENDER
          ___      |  |        \. ,'  /     |
         /___'      \ |         `----'      |   :::  BREAKPOINT 2010
        /    ?       \|                     |
         ----'    _   '_____________________'


                      C R E W: 

     	    Zagupi	  |	Graphics
	     D Fast        |     Music
	       Felor        |     Airplane!

                      I N F O:

	Didn't feel like rendering =)
	What can I say..well, got the idea while sick and away from work. This was kind of very fun to make, I think.
	Made some shots with Blender 2.49, and most with 2.5 development versions.
	D Fast was kind of disappointed I think because I picked an old song that he made a long time ago and felt it's kind of
	monotonous.. sorry!

                                                        - Zagupi -

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