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Jurassic Pack #17 by Moods Plateau [web] & Scarab [web]

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------------------- ::::::::::::: ------- .:::::::::::: ----------------------
                    :::::::::::::        ,:::::::::::: 
                    :::::::::::::       .::::::::::::
 visit us at:       :::::::::::::      .::::::::::::       www.jurassicpack.de
                       we're full of jurassic goodness, 
                like a flavour of crisps you forgot you liked,
                            back with a vengance, 
                             and full of bite!
\\\\\\                                                                  //////
\\\\\    Issue 17 - proudly presented in the year of your gods 2007      /////
\\                                                                          //
\\                  a small sample of joy from the heart:                   //
\                                                                            /
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\\\\\\\\\ \              /  \    m  u  s  i  c  /  \              /  /////////
\\\\\\       extra tune /    \                 /    \ a s c i i s        /////
\\\\\\      \          /      \   cURT cOOL   /      \          /       //////
\\\\\          tEMPEST/        \   oKEANOS   /        \                  /////
\\               of  /          \pSYCREATOR /          \  ne7               //
\\             \ flt/  aRTICLE   \ rAZTAMAN/  mAGAZINE  \    /              //
\\\\               /     lAYOUT:  \       /      pANELS  \                ////
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\\\\\\           /   sELECTaNovel   \   /                  \            //////
\\\             /         & d!rt!e   \ /      bY    sKAN    \              ///
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\\          .aRTICLE sUPPORT:.    /       \    .aRTICLE sUPPORT:.           //
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\\\\        .bLAKKHAR        .  /           \  .rUMRUNNER       .         ////
\\\         .         gHANDY . /             \ .          eLAPSE.          ///
\\\\\\      .gONE            ./               \.sKAN            .       //////
\\\         .     pSYCREATOR./                 \.     kAOSMASTER.          ///
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\\\\\\      .tORSTEN tEICH./_____________________\.bROWALLIAH   .        /////
\\\\\\      .            ./\                     /\.       zENER.       //////
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\\                  just in case if you`d like to contribute                //
\\                 to the next issue of Jurassic Pack or CnS                //
\\\\   please send an email to supermatse@gmx.de or try to catch us       ////
\\\             in the irc at #amigascne (irc.net or course)               ///
\\\\\\                                                                  //////
\\\                        support as support can:                         ///
\\\\\\\\\  everything is welcome! Articles, cliparts, an endpic,     /////////
\\\\\\                 startpics, panels, tunes, etc.                    /////
\\\\\\                                                                  //////
\\\\\                                                                    /////
\\           don`t hesitate to contact us for further infos! ;-)            //
\\                                                                          //
\\\\                          you want that mag?                          ////
\\\                      in that case do something !                       ///
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\\\                                                                        ///
\\\\\\\\\                                                            /////////
\\\\\\                bro, come on and visit us at:                      /////
\\\\\\                                                                  //////
\\\\\                                                                    /////
\\                      http://www.jurassicpack.de                          //
\\                                                                          //
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\\\                             cu at Evoke 07                             ///
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\\\\              /     jp     |||||     |||||     #17    \               ////
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\\\\\\ ________________________________________________________________ //////
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\\\           -------------------------------------------------            ///
\\\\\\\\\                                                            /////////
\\\\\\           JP - delights you since August 1995 and                 /////
\\\\\\                       still alive & kicking!                     //////
\\\\\                                                                    /////
\\               --------------------------------------------               //
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\\\\\\                     .'                                           //////
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\\\\\\\\\            -------------------------------------           /////////
\\\\\\                |||||                                              /////
\\\\\\           |||||||    gREETS tO aLL mATES tHAT fADED              //////
\\\\\         ||||||                                                     /////
\\           ||               aWAY: sIXPACK / zITO / zYTROX                 //
\\           |   |||                                                        //
\\\\         || |||||               and all we forgot !                   ////
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\\\\\\         ||||||      --------------------------                   //////
\\\             ||||          .                                            ///
\\\\\\\\\                      `||||||||||||||||||||||                      //
\\\\                                              ||||||||||||||     ///////// 
\\                              watch the sun,            |||||||||     //////
\\\\\\\\\\\             as it crawls across a final time,  ||||||||||      ///
\\                            and it feels like,          ||||||||||||||    //
\\\\\\                       like it was a friend.      |||||||||||||||||   //
\\                             it is watching us,       ||||||||||||||||||   /
\\\\\     ||||||||        and the world we set on fire  |||||||||||||||||| ///
\\\     ||||||||||||             do you wonder,         ||||||||||||||||||   /
\\     ||||||||||||||        if it feels the same?       ||||||||||||||||   //
\\     ||||||||||||||  and the sky is filled with light   ||||||||||||||  ////
\\     ||||||||||||||           can you see it?            ||||||||||||     //
\\\\\\ ||||||||||||||   all the black is really white        ||||||||        /
\\\     ||||||||||||           if you believe it                          ////
\\\\\     ||||||||      as your time is running out                         //
\\          |||||||     let me take away your doubt            ||||     //////
\\\\            ||||    you can find a better a place         ||||||        //
\\\\\\\\\     ||||              in this twilight             ||||||||        /
\\\\\\\       ||     ---------------------------------------  ||||||         /
\\\\          ||    |  for friends new and friends old, <3  |  ||||         //
\\             ||    ---------------------------------------      ||      ////
\               ||  moment of terror is the beginning of life       ||      //
                  '                                                   |      /
\          [DESIGN BY NE7 / NAPALM | REBELS | SCOOPEX | TRIAD 2007]    `

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