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Tattoo Frenzy by Fingersoft [web]

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                     By Fingersoft

 What's this?
   Tattoo Frenzy is Fingersoft's participation to the
   Gamedev compo in Assembly 2006. It runs on PocketPC
   devices and takes advantage of the touch-screen.

   Your goal is to draw the tattoo that the customer wants
   to have. The criterias are accuracy compared to the
   customers desired tattoo and time used to draw it.
   If you use too much time or get too low accuracy, the
   customer kicks your ass resulting in game over.

 Quick ingame tutorial:
   The left-upper corner button refills the ink to tattoo
   machine. You notice it when the color fades out when

   The green image shown, should be hidden totally, every
   visible part of the image affects negatively on accuracy.
   Also if you draw too far from the image, it has an
   impact to your accuracy rating. There are some minor
   mistakes allowed even for 100% rating due to nature
   of touch-screen inaccuracy etc. Too much errors will
   annoy the customer too much and you'll get up in the ass.

   If you use under 30 seconds for the tattoo, you'll get 100%
   for the time, time rating start decreasing there after every
   second and a total of 130 seconds results in 0% and customer
   will surely kick your ass!

   Use your own instinct and find the right balance for time
   and accuracy for each tattoo to maximize your score.

 Tested on:
   Game has currently been tested only on Windows
   Mobile 5.0 (QTek 9100). It should work atleast with
   with Windows Mobile 2003 (PocketPC).

   Idea  by prklizer            (Niko Mäcklin)
   Code  by toniz               (Toni Fingerroos)
   Gfx   by MahtiKebab aka done (Thomas Wahlberg)
            toniz               (Toni Fingerroos)
   Audio by [someone who doesn't want to confess]

   Musicloop downloaded from:
     author: djgriffin

  Thanks to:
   Capricode Oy (for the device to develop on)
   Aku          (for drawing tattoos, working with networks ;D)
   Bloodrage    (for drawing tattoos, being there and coffee)
   Muumi        (spiritual advisor in coding)
   Tiitumus     (for drawing tattoos)

   Mika Halonen   (Back photo)
   Timo Kaikkonen (Back photo)

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