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Land of Dreamers by Kakiarts [web]

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|lAND of dREAMERS                                              kAKIARTS 2|05|

made by      >>>>> kakiarts technologies     [http://www.kakiarts.de/]
made in      >>>>> about one or two month
made with.   >>>>> WINDOWS
                    plain C.(lcc-win32) + opengl + FMOD EX

             >>>>> LINUX
                    plain C.(gcc) + opengl + freetype + FMOD EX
             >>>>> OSX
										plain C.(gcc) + opengl + freetype + FMOD EX             				


idea         >>>>> bIFF/dQ
code         >>>>> bIFF
tools        >>>>> kEYJ
linux/osx    >>>>> bIFF
linux/fonts  >>>>> kEYJ
music/vocals >>>>> dQ                        [http://www.dq-music.de/]
gfx          >>>>> bIFF/gABI
soundengine  >>>>> fMOD

How to run?

    requirements: x86, OpenGL, Win32, 256MB RAM, Soundcard (FMOD comp.)

    >>>>> start lod.exe

    requirements: x86, kernel 2.6, XOrg, freetype, latest DRI OpenGL drivers, ALSA, 256MB RAM

    >>>>> ./lod_i386
    >>>>> ./lod_x86_64

  OsX ppc
    requirements: ppc (500+MHz), OS X 10.2.6+, OpenGL (tested with ATI Rage 128..'nuff said :), Soundcard
    >>>>> ./lod_ppc_darwin (run in console, in finder the executable fails dylib deps!)
  OsX x86
  	WARNING: x86 release is _VERY_ experimental, use at own risk
    requirements: x86 (2.0GHz), OS X 10.3+, OpenGL,  Soundcard
    to satisfy dylibs (cause install_name_tool does not work for me or) [or install Fmod API]:
    >>>>> mv fmod_darwin_x86/libfmodex.dylib /usr/local/lib  
    >>>>> ./lod_x86_darwin

		fmod_darwin_i386/libfmodx.dylib  >>>>> FMOD library for OSX x86
    fmod.dll                        >>>>> FMOD library for Windows
    libfmodex.dylib                 >>>>> FMOD library for OSX ppc
    libfmodex.so.4.02.03            >>>>> FMOD library for Linux i386
    libfmodex64.so.4.02.03          >>>>> FMOD library for Linux x86_64
    lod.exe                         >>>>> Windows packed executable
    lod.mp3                         >>>>> MP3 song for the first part
    lod.nfo                         >>>>> this info file
    lod_i386                        >>>>> Linux packed elf executable for i386
    lod_ppc_darwin							    >>>>> OSX excutable for ppc
    lod_voc.mp3                     >>>>> MP3 song for the third part
    lod_x86_64                      >>>>> Linux excutable for x86_64
    lod_x86_darwin                  >>>>> OSX executable for x86
    Vera.ttf                        >>>>> True type font for freetype releases

eNJOY! (c) 2005
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