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Quast 2004 results

               QUAST PARTY 2K+4
               OFFICIAL RESULTS

             traditional lame aski
                   by dely

------ -  +
MSX Compo |
------------------------- --- ---- ---- -   - -+
synthy Gambol   Xray + BeWu/Grayscale       54 |
twbnb           Epi/Tristesse               23
corvus          Yezus/SSG                   23
xc12            Pinokio/Tristesse            6
r2k440          Pinokio/Tristesse            4
absorb          Dracon__                     2
slowly          Pinokio/Tristesse            1
------------------------------------ --- --- --

------ -  +
MOD Compo |
------------------------- --- ---- ---- -   - -+
zadumany        Yerzmyey/H-PRG+AY Riders    51 |
thc_abc         Yerzmyey/H-PRG+AY Riders    22
stosunek        Pinokio/Tristesse           12
zjebany         Pinokio/Tristesse            6
------------------------------------ --- --- --

------ -  +
GFX Compo |
------------------------- --- ---- ---- -   - -+
jawis           dracon/taquart, vidol/tight 51 |
magerage        tiger/NG                    24
motorek         ???                         12
ludek           dely/blowjobb+taquart        8
multihed        dely/blowjobb+taquart        3
fox             dely/blowjobb+taquart        2
pakman          elkabato                     0
------------------------------------ --- --- --

----------- -  -+
Intro 16K Compo |
------------------------- --- ---- ---- -   - -+
edict           LaResistance                76 |
gintro          Grzybson/SSG                14
intro           ftp.atari.art.pl             7
cosmos          Sikor/Sikor Soft             2
------------------------------------ --- --- --

------ -  -+
Demo Compo |
------------------------- --- ---- ---- -   - -+
Reditus         Zelax                       51 |
Forsaken love   New Generation              37
Fool            Tristesse                   12
Back2life 2     Jaskier+Greg+Bewu            9
Lame            Mad Lamer+Shmati             1
------------------------------------ --- --- --


Place |     Author      |               Title
  1   | Essential Sound | Bonzaj                            |
      |                 |                                   |
  2   |     Goaman      | Room 101 ost                      |
      |                 |                                   |
  3   |      Xtal       | Sewing Machines Funeral Procession|

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