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7DX 2012 results


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-=(7DX Demo Party 2012 COMPO RESULTS)=-

[ Game Compo ]

Rank  Product Name     Released By  Platform      Points
----- ---------------- ------------ ------------- -------
1     Enfeksiyon Demo  Lider Oyun   PC            7.308
2     Mini Raiden      Return       Commodore 64  5.538
3     Pong             Legatus      PC            5.192

[ Illustration Compo ]

Rank  Product Name  Released By  Points
----- ------------- ------------ -------
1     Yumusak Inis  Zomco        7.292

[ Pixel Graphic Compo ]

Rank  Product Name  Released By  Platform              Points
----- ------------- ------------ --------------------- -------
1     Razius        JSL          Commodore 64 (Koala)  8.000
2     Compec        Faruk Acan   PC                    6.333

[ Mp3 Computer Music Compo ]

Rank  Product Name      Released By       Points
----- ----------------- ----------------- -------
1     Disco Voyage 2    Ebolax / Goblins  6.478
2     Old Beauty        Ebolax / Goblins  6.250
3     Against All Odds  Nightlord         6.143
4     Wind of Destiny   Ebolax / Goblins  5.464
5     Angel Waltz       Leonard Blyx      4.571
6     Chirpiy           Mert Turan        4.143
7     Zone X            Leonard Blyx      4.071
8     Bellariu          Ismail Agir       4.000
9     Fuzzy             Ismail Agir       3.857
10    Hack Me           Mert Turan        3.714
11    Star Wars         Mert Turan        3.464
12    Unexpected        Ismail Agir       3.250

[ Chip/Mod Music Compo ]

Rank  Product Name   Released By           Type  Points
----- -------------- --------------------- ----- -------
1     Disco Voyage   Ebolax / Goblins      XM    6.548
2     In Your Dream  Ebolax / Goblins      XM    6.355
3     Chillie Bean   Allamulax / Resident  XM    5.968

[ 256 Bytes Compo ]

Rank  Product Name  Released By      Platform     Points
----- ------------- ---------------- ------------ -------
1     run ssg run   ssg / arteffect  Amstrad CPC  7.304

[ Wild Compo ]

Rank  Product Name        Released By       Points
----- ------------------- ----------------- -------
1     Butcher Atmosphere  Ebolax / Goblins  5.741
2     Cakmasyon 2         Return            5.555

[ Party Release ]

Product Name                   Released By       Type
------------------------------ ----------------- -----
Butcher Atmosphere Soundtrack  Ebolax / Goblins  MP3
Oz                             Ozgur Deniz       Wild

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